zondag 4 mei 2014

My look for today: Royal stripes

 I simply love Spring. Everyone is happier, enjoying life so much more and nature is getting prettier every day. In my last apology post I gave a preview away for my newest outfit shot. Royal stripes. I don't know why, but stripes are doing something with me. They're always appropriate and always good looking. So when I bought a new leathered skirt I knew that my striped t-shirt was the one to combine it with. My lovely friend knew right away where to shot my newest outfit for you guys. At a beautiful place around a kind of royal house. Wauw, it's such a gorgeous building! I'm really happy with the end result. So take a look and enjoy!   

Please listen to this perfect song : - Alt-J - Intro -
 ''Stickle brick, tickle quick, laugh at the beautiful''
So what am I wearing? This gorgeous, gorgeous leathered blue skirt and striped t-shirt are from Zara. The beautiful trendy sandals are just from H&M. The necklase is from the good old Primark and the watch is from Springfield. The black clutch is from a cute little store in Spain, sorry! The different rings are from H&M and presents. Kiss

Update: Thé apology

Yesss, spring has finally arrived! Even though I'm sitting inside behind my laptop. There's no other start possible for this blogpost. I need to apologize for my absence the last months. At one moment I thought I had everything under control. My internship, school, writing my thesis, a new home, friends and family. But I don't.. Specially school and writing my thesis is so time consuming. I wish my days were longer so I could do what I like the most. And that's keeping my blog up-to-date! Unfortunately that's not going to happen for the next few months. I hope to graduate at the end of June and that I can finally come back on the blog. 

For now I can't promise to be active again. But I'll try to show you some of my newest outfits and personal picture diaries. Cause my life in Amsterdam is amazing! I love it so much. I'm having such a nice time and I would love to show you some great hotspots and a lot of events that I need to go to for my internship. 

Like me on Facebook and you'll be the first to know when there's a new post on the blog! I'm also active on Instagram, so feel free to follow me here as wel. I would really appreciate that. Oh and once again, sorry! See you there, kiss!

zaterdag 15 maart 2014

The launch of Fashionlab

HIP HIP HOORAAAY! Fashionlab is finally, officially launched. As I said before I'm in my last year of my study and I'm doing my final internship at a Dutch fashion website: Fashionlab. After months of hard work it was the time to tell the world about Fashionlab. Last friday we celebrated the launch of our brand new website with homemade cheesecake and of course champagne

Fashionlab is a news site about fashion, beauty, lifestyle and many more. You can search for clothes, shoes and accessories on the website and order it right away. Besides that there is an opportuniy for our followers to sell there own items and to buy items from other followers. Unfortunately Fashionlab is in Dutch, but I hope your translate button on the computer will turn out well, so you can read our stories! You can find us and my articles on fashionlab.nl. I would love to see you there, Kiss
 Oh and don't forget to follow me, thank you kiss
Facebook - dreamhonestly & Instagram - reneehoes 
Bloglovin - dreamhonestly & Pinterest - dreamhonestly

donderdag 13 maart 2014

Quote of today

And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don't believe in magic will never find it. - Roald Dahl

zondag 9 maart 2014

Vintage shopping in Amsterdam

So yesterday I was at the biggest flea market in Europe, held in my new hometown Amsterdam. The weather was amazing, the sun was shining and it was suprisingly warm. So the people were happy, just like us. We arrived at the area where the flea market was held, two huge shipbuildings welcomed us. Wauw, those buildings were really big. Let the shopping begin! 'Cause of the amazing wheater, the area between these two buildings was also used for selling. It felt like summer shopping. The whole area was stuffed with a lot of people and even more items that I could buy, yaaay! And my friend and I bought a lot, thank god we succeed. You could buy clothes, shoes and accessoires, but also chairs and tables, paintings and equipment, decoration stuff, books and music. Well if you search for something vintage, you would find it there. Hope I made you curious enough to look at some pictures that I made, the items that i bought and that you're going to find the time to go next time as well. On the website you can find all the dates of this amazing flea market! For now, enjoy.. 

Looks amazing right?! As I said before, I bought a lot. I'll show you the items that I'm the most happy about, some vintage shoes and jackets! Take a look.. 
 Oh and don't forget to follow me, thank you kiss
Facebook - dreamhonestly & Instagram - reneehoes 
Bloglovin - dreamhonestly & Pinterest - dreamhonestly